

Check out these interior 和 exterior home maintenance tips to consider while the weather is warm.

Summer is the perfect time to take advantage of the warm weather 和 get some 在家里做的工作. 帮助 keep your home performing efficiently during the summer by adding these tasks to your home maintenance plan.



Did you know that a ceiling fan’s performance is largely based on the direction the blades are spinning? This is because the direction of the blades determines how the air will be circulated within the space. 在温暖的天气里, 当你想给室内空间降温时, the blades should spin counter顺时针方向 to help cool the air by providing a downdraft.

别忘了把刀片换回 顺时针方向 一旦天气变冷. This will create an updraft to help circulate the warm air around the room. 当你改变叶片方向的时候, balance any wobbly blades by tightening loose screws 和 dust them if needed.


The coils under the refrigerator have a tendency to accumulate dust 和 pet hair. 清洗它们可以帮助你的冰箱更经济地运行.


A good cleaning of the inside of your windows 和 tracks can help remove any buildup from dust, 烹饪, 烟, 蜡烛和壁炉. While cleaning the windows, look at the screens to see if repairs are needed. 此外,清洁任何天井门轨道,帮助他们打开和关闭更容易.


为了保持冷空气进入和热空气排出, 检查门窗是否漏水. If you find any leaks, consider sealing them with weather stripping or caulking.



Regular maintenance can help ensure your air conditioner is working as efficiently as possible during the summer.


Air conditioners tend to collect dirt 和 debris over time, which reduces their efficiency. Use a garden hose to spray the unit with water to remove buildup 和 help it run more efficiently. Also remove any nearby plants or weeds that could grow inside the unit.


Wash the outside of your windows with soapy lukewarm water to help remove any water spots or dust buildup. 然后用超细纤维布擦干. You may want to reserve window cleaning for a cooler day or after the sun sets if you notice window streaks. The hot air can quickly evaporate cleaning products leaving visible streaks behind.


While it might be tempting to use a pressure washer for your home’s exterior, a garden hose is recommended to avoid potentially damaging the outside of your home or having water get under the siding. Apply a coat of fresh paint if needed 和 repair any damaged vinyl or aluminum siding.


检查花园植物、树木和灌木是否有昆虫侵扰. Termites can easily go undetected until considerable damage has been done. Look for telltale signs like flaking wood or mud buildup 和 tunneling systems in the exterior wood of your home. Professional pest control inspections are recommended if you have any suspicions of possible infestation. 看看这些对付其他害虫的建议,比如 摩尔, 鹿如何让鸟远离你的房子.


把你家的外表打扮得漂漂亮亮 压力清洗 你的人行道、门廊和车道. 栅栏和甲板也可以使用较低的压力清洗.



  • 根据需要修剪灌木和矮树丛.
  • 控制杂草.
  • 移除死的或不健康的植物,这样其他的植物才能茁壮成长.
  • 考虑用新的植物代替被移除的植物.
  • 引入一些鲜艳的颜色会有所帮助 改善你家的外观.
  • 在被覆盖的地方加一层新的地膜.


Trees supply shady ambience 和 should be well cared for to avoid potential damage to your home. 保持他们的 树枝修剪 和 at a safe distance from power lines 和你的 home to help prevent storm-related damage. 检查树木是否有腐烂的迹象,如裂缝或空洞的树枝. Arborists or tree care professionals can help with the cutting 和 removal of large or high limbs.


安全地清除排水沟中的所有碎片 和 see that downspouts are still routed properly so water drains away from the house.


在地面上,从你的家退后一步 检查屋顶是否有维修 从四面八方检查瓦片是否开裂、卷曲或缺失.


清洁外部 干衣机 vent to remove any built-up lint 和 allow your dryer to work more efficiently.


检查路面是否有裂缝和洞. 补救,以帮助防止意外滑倒,绊倒和跌倒. It may also help you avoid larger repairs or resurfacing in the future.

If you see weeds popping up between cracks in the pavement, resist the urge to pull them up. 你要除去杂草的上部, but the root system will remain intact 和 new growth will return within a few weeks. 为了获得经济有效的解决方案, 用水壶烧开水, 小心地把水壶搬到外面, 把水浇在杂草上,在这个季节把它们消灭.


有很多项目 不应该存放在车库吗. 有害物质,如油漆, solvents 和 chemicals should be kept away from children 和 disposed of properly. 不要在车库里存放热敏性或可燃性物料, 因为整个季节气温都会上升. Consider storing power tools in locked cabinets to help keep away from children. 检查地板上是否有因汽车液体泄漏而产生的油斑, 如果你发现了,请及时维修.

虽然这些项目在夏天更容易完成,但还有更多 家居安全用品 一年四季看如有你 烟囱清洁 检查一下 一氧化碳探测器, 灭火器 和你的 烟雾探测器.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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如果你想换个屋顶, now's a great time to upgrade to sturdier materials to create an impact-resistant roof that may save you time, 金钱和麻烦在路上.


Tree pruning 和 trimming tips for using the right tools 和 making the right cuts.


你弄得一团糟, 但在你把洗衣机打开之前, take time to learn a few tips that might help prevent damage to what you are washing.